Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Perfecting the Bagel... Take 2

I am now waiting for my second batch of "New York Style" Bagels to be done baking.  The first batch, which I attempted a few days ago were tasty, yet too heavy.  I made a sponge over night and let the dough rise for 2 hours, and had them proof another 1/2 hour.  So, hopefully they will be much lighter.  Oops, the timer is going off....

Here is the picture; golden: check, crunch: check, true bagel shape: not quite, inside light and airy: check, Tasty: check!

Pros to this Adventure:
  1. My house smells amazing!
  2. I have breakfast for the next couple of days.
  3. I'm getting closer to perfecting my bagels
Cons to this Adventure:
  1. Some of the bagels still fell apart (detached) when boiling.
  2. Still need to work out the timing of the boiling, ice batch, topping, baking.
  3. My pizza stone cracked!

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